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Tanio Shamanism 13 Apr 2024

Id so Recommend this course. I was highly impressed.. I will spread the word. I did leave a post as well. Udemy teachers are impactful. This course touched my Soul. I Think my favorite parts were the invoking..

Review 25 Aug 2023

A very interesting course, I recommend . It is very inspiring and the information very useful. Thank you so .

Sets A great foundational standard 08 Aug 2023

Before taking this course I went through a very similar spiritual awakening experience for the 3rd time in my life and this course laid the building blocks completely on the table and leaving it open for exploration and self discovery. I highly recommend this course to anyone in the coaches, guides, advisors, consultants, healers, lightworkers, professional fields, as well as anyone new to awakening.

Amazing course 31 Jul 2023

Absolutely loved learning about the ancient history and facilitation of the sacred cacao ceremonies. Really easy to understand and full of information.

Finally Grounded, Finally Detached 02 Mar 2023

While I suppose my experience was what some might consider intense and completely exhausting for my body, I’m finding on the other side of that that I have a new vehicle in which to communicate love and support, one that is lighter yet more grounded. Very, very grateful.

Great Courses 05 Jan 2023

I enjoyed your course on Soundwave Healing and found it exceptional, and I am eager to implement the lessons I have learned in your course.

If you have come this far... 28 Dec 2022

It's for an incredibly compelling reason. My journey with Finally Detached has been nothing short of transformational and very powerful. If you are reading this then you have arrived at a point whereby something is calling you. From my own personal experience, and subsequently speaking with other journeyers, this is a calling you should follow. Through a number of bizarre happenings (synchronicities??) I found Finally Detached and connected with Gabriel. I needed to understand more about myself and why I had arrived at this point. I did not seek this experience because I needed healing... well at least that is what I thought anyway! I was somewhat apprehensive and at times nervous of what it was I was going to experience. After first connecting with Gabriel, I was instantly put at ease. Gabriel, is genuinely an incredible soul, with an incredible purpose. He is fulfilling that purpose with the upmost sincerity and he does so in a very skillful way. The lead up to attending the retreat is very professional and extremely diligent. This company is doing things the right way. I cannot deny that right up to the point of walking through the door I still held some apprehension. Do not worry about this, this is your ego doing what it does... Take the next step and keep moving forward, would be my advice. While carrying out my journey, I was always intrigued with Gabriel’s presence and how he masterfully 'guided' me through the journey. It was not until I fully reflected on my experience days later that I realized, how skillful he is. At no point did he influence or manufacture the direction I was heading. In fact, he said and did very little while we were in ceremony, however he was there and very present at EXACTLY the right time. I remember being taken aback as to how Gabriel knew what it was I needed and what I was feeling. Through a combination of experience and an innate skill to help and heal, Gabriel worked with the medicine in complete unison. There were points in my journey whereby I did not quite know what it was I needed or wanted, only to look over at Gabriel where he offered everything, I was searching for in just a knowing look of reassurance. There is so much more I could say about this man and his quest but I strongly believe this is something you should find out for yourself. What I will say is this; you are in the best and safest hands when journeying with Finally Detached. For one reason or another I settled on journeying with Finally Detached instantly and did not consider any other retreats. My instinct told me this was the one and these were the people to work with. Some might call this 'luck' but for whatever reason or label we give it; it was by far the right people to work with. Each and every one of us arrive here with different circumstances. Some more extreme than others but it is all relative to the individual. What I do know for sure is this... If you are struggling with past trauma and are following 'mainstream' direction, stop what you are doing until you have at least tried this. Even If you aren't struggling with past trauma and would like to awaken further or would like to discover a completely new way of living (a more harmonious and peaceful way) then stop what you are doing and try this. The experience is life changing. Whatever your position in this life, I cannot recommend this journey enough. Thank you, Gabriel, and thank you Finally Detached. I am eternally grateful.

Profound Change and Healing 07 Nov 2022

I was terrified to embark on this experience. I cried the drive there and right up until my first ceremony on the first night, frightened by what I might see and feel and an inability to get away from it if I wanted to. It turned out to be one of the most profoundly healing experiences of my life. In an effort to help heal from a great deal of trauma, I had been in and out of therapy for almost 30 years. I also tried hypnosis therapy, meditation, medication, and religion. While I felt "fine" having done all this work, I was walking around numb and dead on the inside. I was unable to connect with people that I loved and was hurting people who loved me. This sacred medicine gave me a soul-settling clarity and understanding of my life and life in general that has been transformative. I got the healing and direction I needed in 2 days, that I was seeking for decades in therapy. And I was just lucky enough to have this journey guided by Gabriel and Bridgette. They provided the perfect balance of support and space for this experience. I felt so incredibly and authentically cared for by them, which helped ease my fears and allowed me to go deeper than I anticipated. I strongly recommend this experience for anyone in search of real, sustainable healing.

Changed my life, a review 2 months later 28 Oct 2022

WOW! Great people, peaceful atmosphere, no negatives to be said. It was a well thought out personalized process that unlocked parts of me that I did not know existed. I love these people with every fiber of my being for the joy that they have brought not just to my life but the lives of my friends and family. This review is written two months post my journey with Finally Detached. I wanted to give a clear and full representation of my experience. The place was clean peaceful all around two thumbs up. That is not what sets Finally Detached apart from any other retreat. It is the personal caring nature of the experienced staff that takes you on your personal journey. Let me tell you this is just the beginning. I am two months post and I am a better version of myself. It is hard to explain, but you know those little lies you tell to yourself and others about who you are? Those stop, and you become that person(the better version of yourself), or at least that is what happened to me. The staff told me the journey helps people in different ways. My journey was exactly what I needed it to be. I am not just a better version of myself but more importantly a better human.

Review 23 Oct 2022

Just completed a cacao course on udemy by Maha Devi which was so simple but in-depth really honouring this sacred plant. Definitely recommend. Would like to ask the course instructure to check out lecture 8 as I don’t think the content matches the description so there is no lecture on setting sacred space

Review 19 Oct 2022

I want to thank you a lot for the course you took on a udemy, I learned a lot and a lot, words of thanks are not enough, I am grateful to you and your friend in this course, it was a clear course and taught me how to discover myself and ask who I am, taught me how to love myself and how to deal with The universe is easy and easy, thank you, one of the best courses I have learned, I advise everyone to take this course. love you peace to you soul

Review 12 Oct 2022

I have completed Finally Detached Shamanic Sound Healing Course. I found it really interesting and informative. I've now bought a flute, shamanic drum and have a healing group. Thank you.

Review 04 Oct 2022

Very healing & deeply profound. Gabriel is a master curandero and the sitters are amazing! They have Great skill making the journey perfectly tailored to what one is seeking.

Review 04 Oct 2022

I took soundwave healing therapy course and it was really amazing and very valuable course Thank you so much for the lessons.

Review 29 Sep 2022

Truly the best on there courses! Very educational and able to understand

Review 04 Sep 2022

Thank you, the course was fantastic! excited to make some music now! thank you very much.

You’ve found the best: look no further! 24 Aug 2022

My adventure with Gabriel Castillo and Bridgette Rivera was beyond healing and transformative. I couldn’t have asked for or found a better experience for my first psilocybin journey. Every detail was perfect, from the location to the healing modalities incorporated throughout my stay. Imagine journeying amidst a beautiful sound bath, for example. Gabriel has built a top-notch retreat that comes from his very soul. He customized my experience to my every need. And Bridgette’s presence and companionship and yoga provided additional comfort and grounding. She’s a gem! I’m absolutely in awe and feeling so much gratitude for the way these two beautiful humans held so much space for me. I left with immense respect for what the mushroom can teach and a sense of warmth, knowing I have Gabriel and Bridgette in my corner. Thank you so much for everything! I’m ever grateful. ❤️🍄

Review 24 Aug 2022

My adventure with Gabriel Castillo and Bridgette Rivera was beyond healing and transformative. I couldn’t have asked for or found a better experience for my first psilocybin journey. Every detail was perfect, from the location to the healing modalities incorporated throughout my stay. Imagine journeying amidst a beautiful sound bath, for example. Gabriel has built a top-notch retreat that comes from his very soul. He customized my experience to my every need. And Bridgette’s presence and companionship and yoga provided additional comfort and grounding. She’s a gem! I’m absolutely in awe and feeling so much gratitude for the way these two beautiful humans held so much space for me. I left with immense respect for what the mushroom can teach and a sense of warmth, knowing I have Gabriel and Bridgette in my corner. Thank you so much for everything! I’m ever grateful.

Review 20 Jun 2022

To say that Gabriel is an amazing human is the understatement of the century. I was so humbled during my first ceremony at how I was welcomed with the most welcome arms into this incredible judgement free space. I have struggled with some pretty serious mental health issues since retiring from the military and after so many failed attempts with ssri's and clock watching counselors I was in a dire situation which felt like the end of my rope. It was at this point that I was called to plant medicine. I have been researching psychedelics and mental heath for a little over a year and was honestly terrified of it. I had never had any experience with mushrooms before but I was desperate for help. Gabriel took the time to ensure I felt safe by explaining all aspects of the ceremony in great detail. This ceremony that I was a bit skeptical about, absolutely changed my life! There was an awakening that I cannot put into words but has resonated so deep within my psyche. I am not "cured" by any means but my path to a better state of mind is more clear than I have ever seen it. For the first time in a long time I have hope again. Thank you Gabriel for taking the time to properly introduce me to this most amazing mushroom which will help me get my life back.

I am now a THRIVER! 09 May 2022

Hi, I am Teresa. I found Plant Medicine after a long journey with PTSD (childhood and military). I have tried everything out there for my history of mental illness. I tried all the anti-depressants, talk therapy to diving deep into organized religion. All had their benefits, but, all still were lacking. The side effects of big pharma drugs made my life worse. I am retired USCGR Physician Assistant. My military career includes 14 years Air Force Reserves and 7 years Coast Guard Reserves. While deployed to Haiti, in 2010, I injured my spine which has resulted in two major surgeries and some residual nerve damage. This lead to opioid narcotic prescriptions. I was just existing. I was what they say “A Survivor”. However, that was not enough. I realized in November of 2020 that I was just surviving! I did not like myself much less many other people. I did not want to survive. I wanted to Thrive! So, I decided to change my life. I did quite a bit of research into psychedelic therapy for PTSD. Read many a book. Then in February of 2021 I stopped all big pharma drugs and went and did Ayahuasca. Because I had exhausted all the “readily available” ways to heal my brain I turned to plant medicine and this made me a Thriver! I admire the sacred mushroom for deep dives and for my micro dose maintenance therapy. I have gone deep into the mushroom with Gabriel and look forward to working with him in the future on myself and helping others! I highly recommend Finally Detached.

Type Of Session: Psilocybin Ceremony

Review 27 Apr 2022

Gabe what can I say about him an open pure soul with open mind and no judgment. As a combat veteran in Iraq in 04-05 deployed has military working dog handler I have seen and felt the consequences of war physically and mentally. You just don’t go through that without being changed some how. Through faith or through God I reconnected with my cousin Bridgette who introduced me to Gabe. After having a session with Gabe he said the treatment would be good for me. He explained the process how everything was going to work and was my guide through the whole thing like a calming voice in the background helping you release your past. Spectacor first I relaxed and let Gabe be my guide I felt positive refreshing energy happiness feeling my body with nothing but positive energy. Gabe brought this lost soul wandering into a path of happiness and self loving. I recommend any veteran anyone going through PTSD or depression to consider this as an alternative and see the difference it can make for you!

Review 13 Apr 2022

My recent experience with Finally Detached was transformational. Every attention to detail had powerful intension of love and healing. The magic of signing bowls and sound healing instruments made my cells evolve. I would highly recommend anyone looking to go further within and remember who they truly are to come visit Finally Detached. There is so much truth within… it’s waiting for us to listen. Aho!

Review 12 Apr 2022

I had the honor to share sacred space and ceremony as a part of Finally Detached’s recent retreat event. The One that which flows through the workings of this organization is of a radiant heart. The medicine of unity, healing and pure unconditional Love is potent and I am looking forward to working with FD along my journey of this lifetime. Padameye. Wopida. Thank you for sharing your medicine, and helping to BE the change which we all seek

Removing limiting beliefs 10 Apr 2022

Take the time to gift yourself with an incredible healing experience. With the aid of sacred plant medicine, Rev. Gabriel will guide you on an inward journey, opening previously closed doors and unlocking new potential to help you be the best version of yourself. This deep healing is facilitated in a way that makes you feel safe, secure, and loved. If you are ready to take the next step in overcoming fears, boundaries and limitations then do yourself the favor of having a one-on-one session and see the power of Cannabis Assisted Therapy.

Type Of Session: CAT

I found MY shaman. 31 Mar 2022

I just can’t believe how wonderful Finally Detached has been for me. To have the ability to step into my shadow work with complete love and understanding by the entire Finally Detached family has made all the difference in the world. I would HIGHLY recommend Rev. Gabriel Castillo to facilitate any future medicine retreats with the sacred plant medicines. His approach is both honorable and sacred. I was even able to work with Rev. Gabriel virtually. This was huge for me as my anxiety can get the better of me at times. I have been able to stay in the comfort of my home during my sessions…Priceless!! I have found MY true Shaman!

Type Of Session: Cannabis Assisted Therapy

Shadow Work 17 Mar 2022

I never knew these ceremonies could be so transformational. I'm still in a state of blissful shock. Thank you!

Type Of Session: Cannabis Assisted Psychedelic Session

Holy Shit! 01 Mar 2022

Holy Shit! Let me start and finish by saying the mushroom really does speak and it has helped guide me to the my deepest truth. It's extremely humbling to have been able to share this healing space with Gabriel. Aho!

Type Of Session: Psilocybin Ceremony

Great Educational Material! 19 Feb 2022

Reprograming the mind course was refreshing! The lectures helped me to develop a new perspective on mindfulness. This is starting to generate a strange feeling of wholeness that I can't explain. Even though I can't explain, I somehow know that this feeling is 'right'. I would certainly recommend Finally Detached, Gabriel, & their courses to anyone interested in taking the mindfulness game to the next level.

Type Of Session: Course (Ultimate Guide To Reprograming The Mind)

Virtual Hypnotherapy & Sound Healing 01 Jan 2022

Skeptical at first but now I am a believer. Gabriel, thank you for helping me identify the mental loops I fall into. 'Positive thinking brings me what I wish'

Type Of Session: Hypnotherapy & Sound Healing

Where Pivotal Changes Start (Round #2) 22 Dec 2021

"The journey directed by Finally Detached infused me with a willingness to reach within myself and to reach my core, assisted with cannabis mixed just right, is beautiful. Words don’t seem like enough to describe the relief, comfort and safe haven felt during these journeys. There is so much love and compassion at Finally Detached. The one-on-one healing is undeniable and so necessary. The music and guided meditations seem to be exactly what my soul needed to feel and embark. This is a safe place to heal. This is a great place to start your healing wherever you are in your process. I would absolutely recommend this (cannabis assisted psychedelic therapy) to those who are willing to trust the process, as they begin to allow their conscious to meet their subconscious and discover what one needs to.

Type Of Session: Cannabis Assisted Therapy

Psychedelic Cannabis Is Profound! 08 Dec 2021

"What Finally Detached offers is needed now more than ever! I thank you for teaching me how to become my own healer. Cheers to the green magic all around us!" ;)

Type Of Session: Cannabis Assisted Psychedelic Session

Calm & Very Relaxed 04 Dec 2021

"Thank you so much! You were not kidding when you mentioned I'd feel the effects a few days after. I can catch my thoughts before they pop in my head (sounds crazy, but you get it lol). Thought is very powerful! Thank you for being a guiding light in my process." -Mary

Type Of Session: Hypnotherapy

Review 10 Nov 2021

My first encounter with Finally Detached ignited a flame that had to be fed. I've been given the opportunity to learn and grow with FD's guidance. I feel like more than just a number, more like family. I look forward to future encunters!

Review 07 Apr 2021

I’ve had the honor to be able to work with Finally Detached one on one. I am eternally grateful for the healing experiences had and to come. Thank you.