Sharing your testimonials to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin

Adding your testimonials to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn is very easy to do with VocalReferences.  You can share each testimonial from the Merchant Center with the click of a button.  Follow the following steps to begin sharing:

Login to your Merchant Center HomePageLogin_2016-05-22_1058
Every testimonial has a share icon associated with it
Click on the share icon and then the sharing options will be displayed.  Clicking on one of the social media options will start the sharing process.

After you selected the Facebook share button you will have the following options/steps:

1. Click the Facebook share button near the testimonial
2. Login to Facebook (if you are not already logged in)
3. Click on the “Share on your timeline” drop down.
4. Click on share on a page that I manage.  .  
5. Facebook will now present you with a list of pages that you manage and a list of possible ways to share.
6. Click Post to Facebook button.  The testimonial should appear on your Facebook page.